Brad Ford

MDiv, BA

Belleville, Ontario

About Me

I am a graduate of Saint Mary’s University (1981, B.A. Religious Studies), Atlantic School of Theology (1985, Masters of Divinity), and the Atlantic Jubilee Program in Spiritual Deepening and Spiritual Direction (2009). I have been an Ordained Minister of the United Church of Canada since 1986, serving churches and communities in Alberta, Nova Scotia and Ontario. I’ve been married to Angela since 1976.
     My spiritual direction beginnings developed from a deep-seated desire to experience and develop a relationship with God. Meeting with a director, I discovered transforming spiritual formation within which has deepened my personal walk with Christ.  During this time, I felt called to become a director myself that I might journey with others.
     I am a mature male who is dedicated to healthy spirituality within my life, my ministry, and the churches I’ve served.

Available For

In-person, online or any other agreed-upon means.


English. I am conversant in ESL and ASL.


Individuals and groups in almost every circumstance of life. I am a generalist and do provide spiritual direction to the dying and their loved ones.


Telephone: 613.920.1476
