Dave Rimoldi

MA, MDiv

Southern California

About Me

Dave was drawn to spiritual formation and soul care as a young pastor after attending a conference in 2004. Attempting to get a better understanding of how to develop a discipleship ministry at his own church, Dave’s soul was awakened during the plenary sessions with Dallas Willard, and particularly the presentation by Professor Bruce Demarest on the stages of spiritual growth. He was given new language to describe his current desert experience and hope for the journey ahead.
     A year later, Dave was exposed to the ministry of spiritual direction when he attended a pilot program for pastor’s at Biola University on spiritual formation. This became a sacred, safe and beautiful space that allowed him to explore the consolation and desolation work of the Spirit in his life and ministry.
     He graduated with a Master of Divinity in spiritual formation and soul care from the Institute of Spiritual Formation at Biola University.
Since then, Dave has served as a vocational and lay pastor in churches around Southern California, led cohorts and facilitated retreats for seminary students, taught classes on spiritual formation and provided spiritual direction to area pastors and ministry leaders.
For Dave, companioning with those on their spiritual journey, especially during a season of spiritual dryness or darkness, is a wonderful privilege. His heart is especially drawn to those who are serving in ministry.
Currently, Dave is the program lead, supervisor, and spiritual director for Soul Shepherding’s spiritual direction training program. He is privileged to serve on a team with other gifted soul care practitioners in training future women and men to be spiritual directors.

Available For

In-person, Zoom – My scheduling link is HERE




Pastors, Ministry leaders, Ministry Burnout, Sabbatical Coaching, Retreats, Group Spiritual Direction, Developing leaders, Lectio Divina, Spiritual Disciplines


Email: dave@soulshepherding.org

My scheduling link is HERE

Website: www.soulshepherding.org