Diane Lindstrom

Beaverton, Ontario

About Me

Years ago, I became very curious when a friend gently and beautifully defined Spiritual Direction as, “becoming aware of God’s awareness of you” and this moment led me to begin two years of life-giving understanding and experiences through Healing Care Ministries International. I graduated in 2018 with a certificate in Spiritual Formation and the Art of Spiritual Direction.
     I have been involved in various Healing Care ministries leading seminars, retreats and offering one-on-one spiritual companionship. I am also an accredited Enneagram debriefer and am delighted to bring this experience into Spiritual Direction space and time when requested. I recently graduated from a two-year specialty focus of Spiritual Direction called, “Developmental Spiritual Direction” which is based on re-attachment to the steadfast and secure love of God through Holy Spirit-led experienced followed by intentional rehearsal using spiritual, creative and developmental life practices.
     My husband and I live on the shores of Lake Simcoe and I practice out of The Shed where I warmly welcome you to SoulCare, simplicity, nature’s beauty and soul friendship. (theshedsoulcare.com) Directees are invited to come earlier than their session time to sit on the dock or the big wooden swing and enjoy the surrounding beauty and/or stay longer to take a nap, sip a homemade chai latte or just savour the present moment.

Available For

In-person, Zoom




One-on-one, Women, Groups, Retreats, Healing Care


Telephone: 416-399-1144

Email: dianemaryis@gmail.com

Website: www.theshedsoulcare.com