Ellen McCelland

Waterloo, Ontario

Ellen McCelland - Headshot

About Me

In his book Let Your Life Speak,  Parker Palmer writes, “By standing respectfully and faithfully at the borders of another’s solitude, we may mediate the love of God to a person who needs something deeper than any human being can give.” (606 Kindle edition).

Ellen believes that all stories are sacred. She believes that God is always at work even when we cannot sense His presence.The core of her ministry is attentive listening with an open heart and where all are welcome. She is well acquainted with the struggles of physical health challenges. Her conservative Christian upbringing has led her to a deep, personal, soul-searching journey for the reality of knowing she is beloved of God. If you are longing for a deeper relationship with Jesus, you will be blessed in the space Ellen will hold for you.
     For over 25 years Ellen was an educator in the public school sector. She is a graduate of Emmaus Spiritual Formation Center. As a former leader in women’s ministries, small groups and workshops on personality identification, Ellen has developed a heart for women and their life struggles.

Available For

Traditional phone, or On-line Zoom video




One on one spiritual direction for anyone seeking a richer relationship with Jesus or those seeking discernment through life’s challenges and transitions.


Email: ellenmcclelland200@gmail.com