Nancy Finlayson

B.Ed., M.Div., Cert MFTheory

Winnipeg, Manitoba

About Me

Spiritual direction is a wonderful opportunity to hear life into speech through scripture, reason, experience and tradition.  The conversation that unfolds between our lived experience – encompassing both dramatic/pivotal moments and our everydayness – and the framework of meaning we live out from, informs our relationship to the Holy. For me, spiritual direction is about coming home to our deep self, becoming progressively literate in our ability to read God’s word in our experience and responding to it with an increasingly free and fulsome heart!  Shame, anger, fear and doubt are usually part of the conversation that surfaces. These deep emotions are an invitation to journey together in exploration of what God is saying in and through them, therein to find the treasure available to a seeking heart.

I have a passionate interest in the Enneagram as a tool for Psycho-spiritual growth; dreamwork as an avenue into the Holy and the process of SoulCollage® as a means of working alongside the invitation of the Spirit in the continuing work of be-coming.  But over and above it all I am a student of story, of the narratives we have lived, those we tell ourselves, ones that are death dealing, and those that infuse our days with passionate life, because it is inside them that the Spirit sits in deep friendship, helping us to re-member and then to dance!

Together, in the company of the Holy One, we will write new words and pen another paragraph or two of what this life, we call our own, is all about. I am certified in Dream Work and the Enneagram Spectrum Approach and have an on-going study of The Depth Psychology.

Available For

In-Person, Skype, Phone




One-to-one Spiritual Direction, Contemplative Retreats, Contemplative Prayer​, Grief, Enneagram, Dream Work


Telephone: 204-453-8491
